Sunday, November 1, 2009

Still Awaiting Counts....

Posted by Jordyn's mother, Tracey, November 1, 2009

Jordyn the Witch says Happy Halloween to everyone! Jordyn got to do some trick o treating on Friday morning around the hospital. Thankfully she was feeling good enough to want to participate in all the Halloween activities which included some cookie decorating, movie, and partying all day. Last week she was in isolation so she was not allowed to come out of her room at all so we were very nervous that she would not be able to do any fun Halloween things but at the beginning of the week she was set free and finally able to come out of her room. That was a good day!!

Things have not been much different from my last posting, which is why I have not created another update. Unfortunately Jordyn's counts have not gone up at all which has been a huge wedge in the big picture. The problem is that we can't move forward with her next induction of chemo with no counts. But also she can not just sit forever with no counts and no chemo and no moving forward. Two weeks ago she was put on a GCSF shot daily which is basically a cell stimulant to stimulate cell growth. On this med each child is different but she should have grown some marrow by now. So moving forward together with the docs we have decided that Jordyn needs to have the bone aspiration without counts on Monday morning so the doctors can take a look at what exactly is happening. They need to determine if maybe there is an infection they are not catching and she is indeed making cells slowly which are going directly to this infection trying to fight it and maybe that is why her counts still show at 0, which would be an OK answer.

The other answer to the problem would be that Jordyn's body has been through so much since the age of 1 that her marrow is just too tired and retired from making anymore marrow on it's own, which would be the worst answer and the answer that we are so praying for it not to be.

Again, the procedure will be Monday morning so much prayers are needed and good positive energy sent her way for sure. We should know all the results to the aspiration hopefully by Tuesday afternoon/evening.

Also, since cold and flu season has arrived along with the scare of the H1N1 virus we will not be allowed anymore visitors for at least the next month but may be two. We have been limiting visitors as it is and doing a good job with it but now the hospital is in complete panic and is now enforcing that all inpatient children will not be allowed anymore visitors but parents.

We know that all of you are here in spirit! I know we keep repeating how thankful we are to have so many people pulling for Jordyn but I feel that we can't thank you enough and no words would ever truly express what is in our hearts for all of your support.