Sunday, October 11, 2009

(Written by Jordyn's mother Tracey, from her Carepage updates)

Faith & Medicine
Posted Oct 11, 2009 7:45pm

I guess it has been too hard for me to post an update and I apologize to all of you that have been wondering how Jordyn has been doing.

No one should ever have to face the pain of cancer, much less a child who is facing the pain for the third time. Jordyn's induction phase certainly has had some bumps in the road which will NOT make us give up the hope and faith we have to beat this. One of the new chemotherapy meds that Jordyn's induction phase consisted of had a neurological effect on Jordyn in such a way that together with the docs we made the decision to stop this particular med in Jordyn's protocol. It was a scary time for all of us since the effect had given Jordyn some memory loss, slurred speech and just an all around negative effect. She underwent a mulitude of tests which just showed that yes indeed there had been some slowing of the brain. However, I must say that about a week after the medicine was discontinued Jordyn has made such an improvement with her reaction. Her memory of having a sister came back along with her speech making an amazing turn around.

The other unfortunate circumstance is that in the recent week Jordyn has been unable to finish her last chemotherapy in her induction phase because of her liver and gallbladder being quite enlarged. Her blood work shows very high enzyme levels that had the docs do some extra tests that included an ultrasound and x-ray of Jordyn's organs. Because her little body has already been through so much, this induction of high dose meds has just had an enormous impact on her.
Her counts for fighting infection still remains at 0, which is why so many have been held off from visiting. We know so many of you want to see her and are praying for her in so many different ways and that will never go forgotten. As of yesterday Jordyn has been running a high fever with her blood pressure slowing down. Her pain level we are trying to get under control with some days being better than others. We just are holding onto complete faith and hope that the blood cultures will not grow any signs of infection.

Jordyn has been such a fighter and always will be. Through all her pain and agony she will still try so hard to get up at least once or twice a day to play on the computer, color, paint, play Uno and just try to be an 8 year old girl. To sit beside her and see this child just naturally hold onto the hope of faith and medicine is more than amazing! Jordyn has completely kept us all holding onto the focus of once and for all CONQUERING this cancer.

In between day 30 and 32 of induction (about 1 week to go), Jordyn will have a bone marrow pull to check if what we have done so far has put Jordyn's cancer back into remission. We wait now for Jordyn's counts to recover so that we may start her second round of induction.
Together we all sit and be strong, we sit and be positive, we sit and be faithful because as we know nothing is impossible with God on our side.

Thanks to all who give us so much to be thankful for with all your generosity, all your prayers and support. It is abundant and very appreciated!

All together let's just naturally, like Jordyn, hold onto the hope of faith and medicine.